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Focus on reducing time to market

Focus on reducing time to market

In the competitive retailing landscape where omnichannel is uprooting the traditional norms of taking your product designs to the marketplace, we think that getting new products to buyers has significant advantages. The results-oriented business practices promoted by high-tech companies of the older generation, like Intel and HP, professed in early 90's the importance of gaining market share by being first to the market. It established the market dominance, saved on costs, and brought in consumer acceptance to their products. .

We think that unique mantra of being first in the market was achieved through the religious and steadfast adherence to reduce the time it takes to go to market.

We think everyone in fashion, style, and sports industry should use whatever it takes to reduce process times to introduce new products to market. The time that is wasted using old style methods of product reviews, feedback and corrections can be drastically cut down by using latest tools and technologies.

Visulon, from grounds up, was designed to eliminate manual methods of using old platforms like Microsoft Excel, flat files, and Adobe's PDF Acrobat. These localized tools don't keep your product data, images, and seasonal product ideas in one place, but just keeps them scattered. Visulon designed a cloud-based relational database that stores, updates and delivers in real-time, fresh and accurate product data to all involved in the product release process.

Furthermore, as the seasonal releases are getting ready, external parties like independent reps, dealers, and key account buyers start getting to know about it and can provide comments to the new line as it is forming. Such process modifications naturally see a tremendous time and cost savings.

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